Bankston Farms provides equipment and services to the National Cutting Horse Association in Ft Worth, Texas during their three major events.

Equipment/Services Include: Television monitors for the events in the Will Rogers Coliseum, overhead booms, hoses and soap guns in the wash racks, gate latches to operate from horseback, Mom’s Lounge, eyeglass cleaning stations, bridal racks, concierge type service for entrants, and washing all of the protective boots and leg wraps.

All items carry a sponsor’s logo to achieve  both name recognition and goodwill.
Every time a contestant or trainer or employee of either is faced with what is usually an unpleasant task it has been either eliminated or vastly improved.

For instance: It is 30 degrees, the end of a 14 hour day, 20 head of horses have been worked  and now 80 boots and/or wraps need washing, drying and rolling by tomorrow. And you are looking at a water hose and a five gallon bucket.

Now, how glamorous is that? Instead you drop them at the “Riding for the Brand” booth and pick them up the next morning.   Washed, dried and rolled.

The Leg Wraps will be wrapped tighter and better than you can do by hand. This because of JIMMY’S WRAP ROLLER!!!! 

I have always been a mechanic and even in the automobile business, I did not like selling and spent most of my time in the service departments and bodyshops.  I have been a cutter for over 30 years and owned horses my whole life.  (When I was born, my father was the Shetland Pony magnate of the world). Ask about that story sometime.

It took about thirty different working models of my wrap roller to get something I was proud to sell.
I have always wanted to be an inventor, now I am! 
JIMMY’S WRAP ROLLER product page.